Karley Rose Fountain Grass - Pennisetum Orientale
Sun-Kissed Karley Rose Fountain Grass
Dancing in the wind with the slightest breeze, Karley Rose Fountain Grass is a showstopper. Purple-tinged plumes erupt from thin, rich green foliage mid to late spring and amass for months until frost. Oblivious to pests and drought tolerant, this is one ornamental grass worthy of a place in many gardens. Yet as with all things, those that seem too good to be true have a downside and Karley Rose is no different.
Purple-Tinged Plumes
Discovered in 1994 by David George Skwiot at the Sunny Borden Nurseries in Kensington, CT USA, this variety of Pennisetum was noted to have a more unique purple-lavender bloom than others along with a more erect and extended blooming habit. Due to these desirable qualities, Skwiot asexually propagated the plant by division and patented the plant in 2002 naming it after his daughter. It is stated the resulting plants are identical to the original parent plant! Impressive to think about with the countless number of Karley Rose plants out there!
Karley Rose is a sun-loving plant. We utilized a total of 8 to flank our front walk and they have thrived with no additional watering once established. Ranked for Zones 5-9, ours live in a due West location and never look stressed in the Tennessee summer when temperatures are soaring over 95 degrees Fahrenheit. When emerging from dormancy in the early spring, the initial leaves resemble an unsightly weed however this phase is short-lived as they transform quickly in warm temperatures.
Hundreds of Plumes
Even with everything Karley Rose has going for it, there is one downside to this plant which may make one second guess reserving a spot for it in the garden, specifically when Mother Nature decides to rain.
The Most Unappealing Attribute
The plants are known to flop! While the plumes are quite light and airy, the excessive foliage and height of the plants frequently bend in heavy rain causing a once gorgeous plant to look unsightly and overgrown. Left unaddressed, the plants have a tendency to right themselves once dried however at upwards of 4 feet tall, not all portions return to normal. This begs the question must this ornamental grass be left to it’s own devices or actively managed throughout the growing season?
Three Year Old Plants
Unfortunately, for a more manicured look and flop-prevention, the latter is the case. While this is not something one would necessarily think about when choosing an ornamental grass, for Karley Rose, it is something to keep in the forefront of your mind. The best angle of attack to address the issue is to utilize a hedge trimmer and trim the plants every 2-3 weeks as needed. As our grasses flank our front walk, I trim up the sides to eliminate any leaning or overgrowth stems/foliage and then give them a good buzz cut in the middle of the summer. While the buzz cut eliminates all the plumes at the time, it prevents the grass from getting to it’s max height and allows for a more resilient stem when it rains.
Just Emerging
Worthy of a spot in your garden? It very well may be a stellar addition. With the understanding of it’s unkempt side, it can be a great choice for a pop of texture in a naturalized garden left to grow to it’s heart content or perfect for a more formal use as a hedge or border plant. If anything though, be sure to place it in a spot where the sun can illuminate the purple plumes for an awe-inspiring look!
Do you have Karley Rose Fountain Grass in your landscape or may be considering it? Feel free to leave a comment below or even drop me a line!